uncommon nouns that end in !e
- Published in Barbara Gambin
- Written by mrw
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We saw in wordends_in_e_part1 and in wordends_in_e_part1 that more than 99% of nouns in ending in e ए are:
← m. -a- + 7sg **Gi ङि
← n. -a- + 7sg **Gi ङि
← n. -a- + 12du **au औ
← oddballs_e
← **aap आप् bases + 12du **au औ
← -i- इ bases + address (NOT -I- ई bases!)
Then there are i u इ उ bases, masculine (and sometimes neuter), with GE ङे added.
Now, words ending in aye अये ave अवे may be m. (sometimes n.) bases in i u इ उ:
RSaye ऋषये ← RSi- ऋषि m. + GE
guravE गुरवे ← guru- गुरु m. + GE
zrii-guravE namaH श्रीगुरवे नमः ← guru- गुरु + GE ङे.
RSyazRGgAya munaye ऋष्यशृङ्गाय मुनये ← RSyazRGga- ऋष्यशृङ्ग + -GE ङे + muni- मुनि + -GE ङे “to the holy man RSyazRGga ऋष्यशृङ्ग“
tryambakAya yuyutsave त्र्यम्बकाय युयुत्सवे ← tryambaka- त्र्यम्बक + -GE ङे + yuyutsu- युयुत्सु + -GE ङे “to ziva शिव when he wanted to fight”
these bases change their i u इ उ into e o ए ओ before some of the endings, not just GE ङे but also Gas ङस् Gasi ङसि jas जस् and address su सु. Examples later.
Then there are bases in R like pitR पितृ mAtR मातृ bhrAtR भ्रातृ. The Ge ङे is added directly to these bases, making re रे. Which is confusing, because most of the words ending in re रे are of course bases in -ra- र with some other ending.
E ए ← -R- ऋ mfn. + GE ङे
rE रे ← -ra- र + Gi ङि
AcaSTa bharataH sarvaM mAtre आचष्ट भरतः सर्वं मात्रे “bharata told everything to mother”
pitre sarvaM nyavedayat पित्रे सर्वं न्यवेदयत् “told everything to father”
Most of the remaining nouns ending in e ए are consonant bases of any gender with **GE ङे added. Usually we can find the base just by removing the E:
suhRdE सुहृदे ← suhRd- सुहृद् mf. + GE ङे
manasE मनसे ← manas- मनस् n. + GE ङे
trizirase त्रिशिरसे ← triziras- त्रिशिरस् mfn. + GE ङे
bhagavate भगवते ← bhagavat- भगवत् mn. + GE ङे
Atmane आत्मने ← Atman- आत्मन् m. + GE ङे
parabrahmaNe परब्रह्मणे ← parabrahman- परब्रह्मन् n. + GE ङे
vasiSThAya ca dhImate वसिष्ठाय च धीमते ← dhImat- धीमत् + GE “to the smart vasiSTha”
janakAya mahAtmane जनकाय महात्मने ← mahAtman- महात्मन् + E ए “to great-souled janaka”
tataz cikSepa zailAgraM nIlas trizirase tadA ततश्चिक्षेप शैलाग्रं नीलस्त्रिशिरसे तदा ← triziras- त्रिशिरस् + GE ङे “then nIla threw mountaintop to triziras त्रिशिरस्“
pradeyo rAghavAyeti sItA hanumate dadau प्रदेयो राघवायेति सीता हनुमते ददौ ← hanumat- हनुमत् + GE ङे “saying this is for rAma, sItA सीता gave it to hanumAn हनुमान्“
Bases build from the ending **matup मतुप्, like hanumat- हनुमत्, appear to end in at अत् in most dictionaries, because they have at अत् before almost all the endings. But when they get the 1sg suffix su सु they change the at अत् into An आन्, as we will see later. This is why in English it is better to spell “Hanuman”, not hanumat.
And then there is the word rAjJe राज्ञे that appears four times in the rAmAyaNa. It is made of base rAjan- राजन् + Ge ङे. When adding Ge ङे to that base, the a अ of rAjan राजन् vanishes, then the n न् turns into J ञ् for ease of pronunciation.
rAjan राजन् + Ge ङे → rAjne राज्ने → rAjJe राज्ञे
sa te tadA namaskRtvA rAjJe dazarathAya ca स ते तदा नमस्कृत्वा राज्ञे दशरथाय च → “bowed to king dazaratha दशरथ“
At least half of the following words have a i u R इ उ ऋ base or a consonant base plus ending GE ङे. Try to find one base of each.
laGkAdhipataye parivRddhaye gaurave bhrAtre Rte yugakSaye ripave prajApate rAghave saumitraye rAksase tapase haimavate RSaye rakSase vAyusUnave vinizcaye putre ikSvAkave mahAmate लङ्काधिपतये परिवृद्धये गौरवे भ्रात्रे ऋते युगक्षये रिपवे प्रजापते राघवे सौमित्रये राक्ससे तपसे हैमवते ऋषये रक्षसे वायुसूनवे विनिश्चये पुत्रे इक्ष्वाकवे महामते
Exercise 1: find all words in the list of failures from previous exercise that have i इ bases or Ap आप् bases. Find them.
Exercise 2: find some word in the success list that can come from an i base too.